

Love English 2 2022-12-23

11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 1718

The head priest called for two other priests, who quickly ran into the room.
“Is everything okay, Master?” one priest asked.
“I can’t give this robe back to the Tang Monk,” said the head priest.
“But you must give it back,” said the other priest. “This robe is a Buddhist treasure,”  said the head priest. “It comes from the Western Paradise. As Buddhists, we must do everything we can to keep it in our monastery.”
“The Tang Monk won’t let you keep it,” said the first priest.
The head priest smiled. There was an evil look in his eye.
“I have a plan,” he said.
Wukong was awake, meditating on a rooftop, when he heard footsteps. He looked down and saw two priests walking across the courtyard. They were carrying bundles of firewood.
“It’s the middle of the night,” thought Wukong. “Why are they starting a fire?”
The priests stacked the firewood next to the building the Tang Monk was sleeping in.
“Aha!” thought Wukong. “I’ll bet that head priest wants to keep our robe. He’s planning to kill us.”
Wukong waited until the priests lit the wood on fire. Then he used his magic powers.
The priests screamed and ran as the fire shot across the courtyard. One building went up in flames, and then another. Soon most of the monastery’s buildings were on fire. Walls crumbled and roofs caved in.
“Run for your life!” cried one priest.
“Our monastery is ruined!” cried another.
There was one building, however, that the fire didn’t touch. The Tang Monk slept peacefully as the rest of the monastery burned down.
The next morning the Tang Monk woke up and opened the door. He gasped.
Smoke drifted through the air. Burned pieces of wood lay in heaps. The buildings’ walls were black and crumbled.
“Oh no!” cried the Tang Monk. “What happened to the monastery?”
He turned around. That’s when he realized that the building he’d slept in was fine.
Wukong walked over.
“Wukong!” cried the monk. “What happened here?”
“The head priest tried to kill you,” said Wukong. “He tried to set the building you were in on fire.”
The Tang Monk was confused. “But that building is fine. The fire didn’t touch it.”
Wukong laughed. “I used my magic to stop the fire.”
The Tang Monk scratched his head. “The rest of the buildings burned.”
“I used my magic for that too,” said Wukong with a smile. “I used a spell that protected only your building and the robe. The spell made the fire spread everywhere else, though.”
The Tang Monk’s eyes filled with tears. He looked angry.
“That’s horrible, Wukong!” he cried. “If you had the power to stop the fire, you should have stopped all of it!”
Wukong shrugged. “The priests here are evil. They deserved what they got.”
Just then they heard a shout. Two of the priests ran toward them.“Villains!” cried Wukong. “How dare you try to burn my master! I should club you with my iron bar!”
The two priests fell to their knees and bowed. “Please forgive us!” one cried. “We didn’t want to harm you or the Tang Monk. It was the head priest’s idea! He’s evil!”
Wukong glared at the two priests for a moment. Then he relaxed. “Stand up,” he said. “I believe you. Just bring us the robe so we can continue our journey to the west.”
“We . . . we can’t,” said one priest. He was shaking. “The robe is gone!”


1. rooftop [ˈruːftɑːp]  n.屋顶外部;外屋顶
合成词:roof + top
footstep [ˈfʊtstep]  n.脚步声;足迹
合成词:foot + step

2. bundle [ˈbʌndl]  n.(一)捆,包,扎;一批(同类事物或出售的货品);风趣的人;笑料  v.匆匆送走;推搡;赶;(成群地)匆忙赶往;额外免费提供(设备等);(尤指出售计算机时)赠送(软件)
a bundle of rags/papers/firewood , etc.
3. stack [stæk]  n.(通常指码放整齐的)一叠,一摞,一堆;大量;许多;一大堆;(尤指工厂的)大烟囱  v.(使)放成整齐的一叠(或一摞、一堆);使成叠(或成摞、成堆)地放在…;使码放在…;(令飞机)分层盘旋等待着陆
a stack hi-fi system (= where radio, CD player, etc. are arranged on top of each other)
4. crumble [ˈkrʌmbl]  v.(使)破碎,成碎屑;坍塌;损坏;崩裂;(开始渐渐)衰退,衰弱;崩溃;瓦解;消亡  n.酥皮水果甜点
来自crumb,面包屑。le 表反复。
The cliff is gradually crumbling away.
crumb [krʌm]  n.食物碎屑;(尤指)面包屑,糕饼屑;一点;少许;少量 v.捏碎;弄碎;[烹]裹上面包屑用油煎
She stood up and brushed the crumbs from her sweater.
5. drift [drɪft]  n.流动;趋势;逐渐变化(尤指向坏的方面);(船只或飞机的)偏航,航差;水流;气流 v.漂流;漂移;飘;缓缓移动;缓慢行走;无意间发生;无目的地转变;顺其自然地做
a population drift away from rural areas
6. deserve [dɪˈzɜːrv] v.值得;应得;应受
de 向下,彻底 + serv 服务;保持 + e → 彻底的服务,周到的服务 → 由于周到的服务而获得的权力 → 应得
He deserves to be locked up for ever for what he did.
7. villain [ˈvɪlən]  n.(小说、戏剧等中的)主要反面人物,反派主角,坏人;恶棍;坏蛋;罪犯
vill〔= vile邪恶〕+ ain 名词后缀 → 邪恶的人 → 恶棍
He often plays the part of the villain.


为什么微信把“拍一拍”的翻译改成 tickle?有点污啊~
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